This Month In History
This Month In History
Come and reminisce about historical events that occurred during this month. Meets in the Social Room.
Come and reminisce about historical events that occurred during this month. Meets in the Social Room.
Join us in your appointed dining room for a fun Fourth of July Cook Out. Hamburgers, Potato Salad, 4 Bean Salad and Fresh Fruit with Dip.
Join us in the Social Room for a rousing round of patriotic songs as well as red, white & blue cocktails.
Join us in the Social Room for a time of treats and trivia with our friends from Busy Bees Day Care.
An evening of music and stories behind the songs by Dave Donaldson of Richmond, MO.
Join Providence Baptist Church members in the Social Room for a time of cookies and conversation.
Join us in the Social Room as we sample various types of Bagels in celebration of National Bagelfest Day!!
Join us in the Social Room as Virginia Sellers shares her talent with us.
Join Bonnie Pooker in the Social Room as she entertains us with music on her hammer dulcimer and the piano.